

第68屆黃金時段艾美獎68th Primetime Emmy Awards

上屆:第69屆黃金時段艾美獎68th Primetime Emmy Awards

2016年7月14日,電視學院與《黑人當道Black-ish》安東尼·安德森(Anthony Anderson)以及《為人父母Parenthood》、《奇異果女孩Gilmore Girl》勞倫·格雷厄姆(Lauren Graham)共同宣布入圍名單。預計於9月18日舉行頒獎典禮,並由吉米·金莫(Jimmy Kimmel)主持。


ABC《黑人當道Black-ish》與Netflix《不才專家Mater of None》為首次入圍角逐最佳喜劇類影集,USA《駭客軍團Mr. Robot》與FX《冷戰諜夢The Americans》則是首次入圍角逐最佳劇情類影集。

HBO《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》共獲23項獎項提名,穩居入圍榜首,FX兩部有限劇集《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》與《冰血暴Fargo》分別獲得22項及18項提名,至於去年獲得最佳喜劇殊榮的HBO《副人之仁Veep》今年則入圍了17項獎項,為喜劇提名之首(《副人之仁Veep》Peter MacNicol因演出一半集數而遭到取消提名)。

《冷戰諜夢The Americans》馬修·瑞斯(Matthew Rhys)與凱莉·羅素(Keri Russell)雙雙首度入圍劇情類男女主角獎;《駭客軍團Mr. Robot》雷米·馬利克(Rami Malek)為首次入圍劇情類男主角獎。《黑人當道Black-ish》安東尼·安德森(Anthony Anderson)與《不才專家Master of None》阿茲·安薩里(Aziz Ansari)為首次入圍喜劇類男主角獎;《黑人當道Black-ish》翠西·艾里絲·羅斯(Tracee Ellis Ross)與《打不倒的金咪Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt》艾莉·坎波(Ellie Kemper)為首次入圍喜劇類女主角獎。

曾獲3座艾美獎的蘿莉·麥凱佛(Laurie Metcalf)以HBO《銀髮失樂園Getting On》入圍喜劇女主角獎、以CBS《宅男行不行The Big Bang Theory》入圍最佳喜劇類影集客串女演員、以《百年酒館Horace and Pete》入圍最佳劇情類影集客串女演員,為本屆入圍最多獎項之演員。莎拉·保羅森(Sarah Paulson)本次入圍了有限劇集女主角(《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》)以及女配角(《美國恐怖故事:旅館American Horror Story: Hotel》)兩項大獎。曾獲7座艾美獎肯定的艾莉森·珍妮(Allison Janney)第三度共同被提名喜劇女配角與劇情類影集客串女演員獎。


小弟淺談:個人認為《真實之虛UnREAL》為劇情類影集遺珠,《瘋狂前女友Crazy Ex-Girlfriend》瑞秋·布魯姆(Rachel Bloom)與《貞愛好孕到Jane the Virgin》吉娜·羅德里奎(Gina Rodriguez)為喜劇女主角遺珠,《冰血暴Fargo》派翠克·威爾森(Patrick Wilson)則是有限劇集男主角的大遺珠啊!!! 私心希望《副人之仁Veep》可以再奪喜劇影集以及女主角獎,然後喜劇編劇與導演也通通給《副人之仁Veep》吧XDD 劇情類女主角當然希望是薇拉·戴維絲(Viola Davis)再下一城囉!! 有限劇集女主角感覺是莎拉·保羅森(Sarah Paulson)與克絲汀·鄧斯特(Kirsten Dunst)的戰爭啊!!! 雖然FX這次很風光,但是《美國犯罪故事American Crime Story》跟《冰血暴Fargo》根本是互打關係呀,看來一家歡樂一家愁,但電視台不管怎樣都開心吧XDD

P.S. 因為艾美獎獎項堪稱之多,所以創意藝術艾美獎的圖片暫時難產ww(大概一周後會補齊,我盡量啦XDD)←我食言惹XDD


FX《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》拿下有限劇集中的5項大獎,包括有限劇集、男女主角、男配角及編劇獎,為本屆大贏家,加上創意藝術艾美獎共獲9座獎項。HBO《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》共獲3項大獎,包括劇情類影集、導演與編劇獎,加上創意藝術艾美獎共獲12座艾美獎。喜劇方面,HBO《副人之仁Veep》第2度奪得最佳喜劇殊榮,女主角茱莉亞·路易絲-卓佛(Julia Louis-Dreyfus)更是蟬連5屆喜劇女主角獎,加上之前的紀錄,成功榮登獲得最多艾美獎之女演員,該劇於本屆加上創意藝術艾美獎共獲3座艾美獎;Amazon《透明家庭Transparent》傑弗瑞·坦伯(Jeffrey Tambor)蟬聯2屆喜劇視帝,該劇加上創意藝術艾美獎共獲3座艾美獎,與《副人之仁Veep》共同稱霸本屆喜劇類獎項。

劇情類影集男女主角得主USA《駭客軍團Mr. Robot》雷米·馬利克(Rami Malek)與BBC America《黑色孤兒Orphan Black》塔堤安娜·馬斯拉妮(Tatiana Maslany)皆為首次奪得艾美獎,塔堤安娜·馬斯拉妮更是盼望多年首度驚喜獲獎,該劇將於明年完結。本屆得主其實算是打破不少人的眼鏡,像是劇情類男女主角和男女配角、喜劇類男配角與有限劇集導演獎等都相當驚喜,不過也算實至名歸(?!),尤其是被視為可能被冷落卻很有資格獲獎的雷米·馬利克,而有限劇集女配角呼聲很高的《冰血暴Fargo》珍·史瑪特(Jean Smart)最終被蟬聯兩屆獲獎的《美式懸罪American Crime》蕾吉娜·金恩(Regina King)打敗。。

入圍者都很實力,因此遺珠不少,個人覺得《副人之仁Veep》超級可惜,男配角、導演與編劇都失利,會是票數瓜分嗎?不得而知,不過獲獎的倒也是頗有實力,而獲得喜劇編劇的更是兩位亞裔,本屆艾美獎可說是非常""多元""呀!如我預測FX的兩部大作《美國犯罪故事American Crime Story》與《冰血暴Fargo》真的是同家競爭呀,而不意外的《冰血暴Fargo》正式成為大遺珠,但FX還是很開心吧XDD 同樣出身FX的《冷戰諜夢The Americans》原本看好可能獲得男女主角獎,但最終還是抱憾未能獲獎,不過FX的面子也算做足啦!

入圍也不錯多的Netflix大熱劇《紙牌屋House of Cards》與HBO《矽谷群瞎傳Silicon Valley》亦算是遺珠之一,只能說艾美獎真的太競爭啦,不過本屆獲獎名單真的與以往有所不同呀,明顯可以看出是因為改制導致,當然好壞參半,不過我倒是對此獲獎名單頗OK的~~~

主要獎項Main Ceremonies

Black-ish.pngMaster of None.pngModern Family.pngSilicon Valley.pngTransparent.pngUnbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.pngVeep.png
最佳喜劇類影集獎Outstanding Comedy Series
《不才專家Master of None》(Netflix)
《摩登家庭Modern Family》(ABC)
《矽谷群瞎傳Silicon Valley》(HBO)
《打不倒的金咪Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt》(Netflix)

Americans, The.pngBetter Call Saul.pngDownton Abbey.pngGame of Thrones.pngHomeland.pngHouse of Cards.pngMr. Robot.png
最佳劇情類影集獎Outstanding Drama Series
《冷戰諜夢The Americans》(FX)
《絕命律師Better Call Saul》(AMC)
《唐頓莊園Downton Abbey》(PBS)
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
《駭客軍團Mr. Robot》(USA)

American Crime.pngFargo.pngNight Manager, The.pngPeople v. O.J. Simpsons, The - American Crime Story.pngRoots.png
最佳有限劇集獎Outstanding Limited Series
《美式懸罪American Crime》(ABC)
《夜班經理The Night Manager》(AMC)
《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)

All the Way.pngConfirmation.pngLuther.pngSherlock.pngA Very Murray Christmas.png
最佳電視電影獎Outstanding Television Movie
《總統之路All the Way》(HBO)
《路德探長Luther》(BBC America)
《新世紀福爾摩斯:地獄新娘Sherlock: The Abominable Bride》(PBS)
《比爾·默瑞的歡樂聖誕A Very Murray Christmas》(Netflix)

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.pngJimmy Kimmel Live!.pngLast Week Tonight With John Oliver.pngLate Late Show with James Corden, The.pngReal Time with Bill Maher.pngTonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, The.png
最佳綜藝脫口秀獎Outstanding Variety Talk Series
《諧星乘車買咖啡Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee》(Crackle)
《吉米夜現場Jimmy Kimmel Live!》(ABC)
《約翰·奧利佛之昔日新聞報報Last Week Tonight with John Oliver》(HBO)
《詹姆斯·柯登深夜秀The Late Late Show with James Corden》(CBS)
《馬厄脱口秀Real Time with Bill Maher》(HBO)
《吉米A咖秀The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon》(NBC)

Documentary Now!.pngDrunk History.pngInside Amy Schumer.pngKey %26; Peele.pngPortlandia.pngSaturday Night Live.png
最佳綜藝喜劇小品獎Outstanding Variety Sketch Series
《紀錄片吧!Documentary Now!》(IFC)
《醉酒史Drunk History》(Comedy Central)
《艾米·舒默的內心世界Inside Amy Schumer》(Comedy Central)
《阿奇與阿皮Key & Peele》(Comedy Central)
《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)

Amazing Race, The.pngAmerican Ninja Warrior.pngDancing with the Stars.pngProject Runway.pngTop Chef.pngVoice, The.png
最佳實境競賽節目獎Outstanding Reality-Competition Program
《驚險大挑戰The Amazing Race》(CBS)
《美國忍者王American Ninja Warrior》(NBC)
《與星共舞Dancing with the Stars》(ABC)
《決戰時裝伸展台Project Runway》(Lifetime)
《頂尖主廚大對決Top Chef》(Bravo)
《美國好聲音The Voice》(NBC)

Anthony Anderson.pngWill Forte.pngAziz Ansari.pngWilliam H. Macy.pngThomas Middleditch.pngJeffrey Tambor.png
最佳喜劇類影集男主角獎Outstanding Lead Actor In A Comedy Series
Anthony Anderson《黑人當道Black-ish》(ABC)
Will Forte《地球上最後的男人The Last Man on Earth》(FOX)
Aziz Ansari《不才專家Master of None》(Netflix)
William H. Macy《無恥之徒Shameless》(Showtime)
Thomas Middleditch《矽谷群瞎傳Silicon Valley》(HBO)
Jeffrey Tambor《透明家庭Transparent》(Amazon)

Tracee Ellis Ross.pngLaurie Metcalf.pngLily Tomlin.pngAmy Schumer.pngEllie Kemper.pngJulia Louis-Dreyfus.png
最佳喜劇類影集女主角獎Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series
Tracee Ellis Ross《黑人當道Black-ish》(ABC)
Laurie Metcalf《銀髮失樂園Getting On》(HBO)
Lily Tomlin《同妻俱樂Grace and Frankie》(Netflix)
Amy Schumer《艾米·舒默的內心世界Inside Amy Schumer》(Comedy Central)
Ellie Kemper《打不倒的金咪Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt》(Netflix)
Julia Louis-Dreyfus《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)

Matthew Rhys.pngBob Odenkirk.pngKyle Chandler.pngKevin Spacey.pngRami Malek.pngLiev Schreiber.png
最佳劇情類影集男主角獎Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series
Matthew Rhys《冷戰諜夢The Americans》(FX)
Bob Odenkirk《絕命律師Better Call Saul》(AMC)
Kyle Chandler《血脈Bloodline》(Netflix)
Kevin Spacey《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
Rami Malek《駭客軍團Mr. Robot》(USA)
Liev Schreiber《黑手遮天Ray Donovan》(Showtime)

Keri Russell.pngTaraji P. Henson.pngClaire Danes.pngRobin Wright.pngViola Davis.pngTatiana Maslany.png
最佳劇情類影集女主角獎Outstanding Lead Actress In A Drama Series
Keri Russell《冷戰諜夢The Americans》(FX)
Taraji P. Henson《嘻哈世家Empire》(FOX)
Claire Danes《反恐危機Homeland》(Showtime)
Robin Wright《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
Viola Davis《謀殺入門課How to Get Away with Murder》(ABC)
Tatiana Maslany《黑色孤兒Orphan Black》(BBC America)

Bryan Cranston.pngIdris Elba.pngTom Hiddleston.pngCourtney B. Vance.pngCuba Gooding, Jr..pngBenedict Cumberbatch.png
最佳有限劇集或電視電影男主角獎Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Series Or Movie
Bryan Cranston《總統之路All the Way》(HBO)
Idris Elba《路德探長Luther》(BBC America)
Tom Hiddleston《夜班經理The Night Manager》(AMC)
Courtney B. Vance《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
Cuba Gooding, Jr.《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
Benedict Cumberbatch《新世紀福爾摩斯:地獄新娘Sherlock: The Abominable Bride》(PBS)

Felicity Huffman.pngLili Taylor.pngKerry Washington.pngKirsten Dunst.pngAudra McDonald.pngSarah Paulson ACS.png
最佳有限劇集或電視電影女主角獎Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Series Or Movie
Felicity Huffman《美式懸罪American Crime》(ABC)
Lili Taylor《美式懸罪American Crime》(ABC)
Kerry Washington《關鍵判決Confirmation》(HBO)
Kirsten Dunst《冰血暴Fargo》(FX)
Audra McDonald《愛默生烤肉燒烤店之女士之日Lady Day at Emerson's Bar & Grill》(HBO)
Sarah Paulson《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)

Louie Anderson.pngAndre Braugher.pngKeegan-Michael Key_1.pngTy Burrell.pngTituss Burgess.pngTony Hale.pngMatt Walsh.png
最佳喜劇類影集男配角獎Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series
Louie Anderson《小丑夢搖籃Baskets》(FX)
Andre Braugher《荒唐分局Brooklyn Nine-Nine》(FOX)
Keegan-Michael Key《阿奇與阿皮Key & Peele》(Comedy Central)
Ty Burrell《摩登家庭Modern Family》(ABC)
Tituss Burgess《打不倒的金咪Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt》(Netflix)
Tony Hale《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)
Matt Walsh《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)

Niecy Nash.pngAllison Janney.pngKate McKinnon.pngJudith Light.pngGaby Hoffmann.pngAnna Chlumsky.png
最佳喜劇類影集女配角獎Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Comedy Series
Niecy Nash《銀髮失樂園Getting On》(HBO)
Allison Janney《極品老媽Mom》(CBS)
Kate McKinnon《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
Judith Light《透明家庭Transparent》(Amazon)
Gaby Hoffmann《透明家庭Transparent》(Amazon)
Anna Chlumsky《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)

Jonathan Banks.pngBen Mendelsohn.pngPeter Dinklage.pngKit Harington.pngMichael Kelly.pngJon Voight.png
最佳劇情類影集男配角獎Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Drama Series
Jonathan Banks《絕命律師Better Call Saul》(AMC)
Ben Mendelsohn《血脈Bloodline》(Netflix)
Peter Dinklage《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
Kit Harington《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
Michael Kelly《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
Jon Voight《黑手遮天Ray Donovan》(Showtime)

Maura Tierney.pngMaggie Smith.pngLena Headey.pngEmilia Clarke.pngMaisie Williams.pngConstance Zimmer.png
最佳劇情類影集女配角獎Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Drama Series
Maura Tierney《婚外情事The Affair》(Showtime)
Maggie Smith《唐頓莊園Downton Abbey》(PBS)
Lena Headey《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
Emilia Clarke《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
Maisie Williams《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
Constance Zimmer《真實之虛UnREAL》(Lifetime)

Jesse Plemons.pngBokeem Woodbine.pngHugh Laurie.pngSterling K. Brown.pngDavid Schwimmer.pngJohn Travolta.png
最佳有限劇集或電視電影男配角獎Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Limited Series Or Movie
Jesse Plemons《冰血暴Fargo》(FX)
Bokeem Woodbine《冰血暴Fargo》(FX)
Hugh Laurie《夜班經理The Night Manager》(AMC)
Sterling K. Brown《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
David Schwimmer《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
John Travolta《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)

Melissa Leo.pngRegina King.pngSarah Paulson AHS.pngKathy Bates.pngJean Smart.pngOlivia Colman.png
最佳有限劇集或電視電影女配角獎Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Limited Series Or Movie
Melissa Leo《總統之路All the Way》(HBO)
Regina King《美式懸罪American Crime》(ABC)
Sarah Paulson《美國恐怖故事:旅館American Horror Story: Hotel》(FX)
Kathy Bates《美國恐怖故事:旅館American Horror Story: Hotel》(FX)
Jean Smart《冰血暴Fargo》(FX)
Olivia Colman《夜班經理The Night Manager》(AMC)

Aziz Ansari.pngAlec Berg.pngMike Judge.pngJill Soloway.pngDavid Mandel.pngChris Addison.pngDale Stern.png
最佳喜劇類影集導演獎Outstanding Directing For A Comedy Series
Aziz Ansari《不才專家Master of None》(Netflix)
Alec Berg《矽谷群瞎傳Silicon Valley》(HBO)
Mike Judge《矽谷群瞎傳Silicon Valley》(HBO)
Jill Soloway《透明家庭Transparent》(Amazon)
Dave Mandel《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)
Chris Addison《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)
Dale Stern《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)

Rob Delaney %26; Sharon Horgan.pngAziz Ansari %26; Alan Yang.pngDan O%5CKeefe.pngAlec Berg.pngDavid Mandel.pngAlex Gregory %26; Peter Huyck.png
最佳喜劇類影集編劇獎Outstanding Writing For A Comedy Series
Rob Delaney、Sharon Horgan《大禍臨頭Catastrophe》(Amazon)
Aziz Ansari、Alan Yang《不才專家Master of None》(Netflix)
Dan O'Keefe《矽谷群瞎傳Silicon Valley》(HBO)
Alec Berg《矽谷群瞎傳Silicon Valley》(HBO)
David Mandel《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)
Alex Gregory、Peter Huyck《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)

Michael Engler.pngMiguel Sapochnik.pngJack Bender.pngLesli Linka Glatter.pngSteven Soderbergh.pngDavid Hollander.png
最佳劇情類影集導演獎Outstanding Directing For A Drama Series
Michael Engler《唐頓莊園Downton Abbey》(PBS)
Miguel Sapochnik《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
Jack Bender《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
Lesli Linka Glatter《反恐危機Homeland》(Showtime)
Steven Soderbergh《紐約醫情The Knick》(Cinemax)
David Hollander《黑手遮天Ray Donovan》(Showtime)

Joel Fields %26; Joe Weisberg.pngJulian Fellowes.pngDavid Benioff %26; D.B. Weiss.pngRobert King %26; Michelle King.pngSam Esmail.pngMarti Noxon %26; Sarah Gertrude Shapiro.png
最佳劇情類影集編劇獎Outstanding Writing For A Drama Series
Joel Fields、Joe Weisberg《冷戰諜夢The Americans》(FXd)
Julian Fellowes《唐頓莊園Downton Abbey》(PBS)
David Benioff、D.B. Weiss《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
Robert King、Michelle King《傲骨賢妻The Good Wife》(CBS)
Sam Esmail《駭客軍團Mr. Robot》(USA)
Marti Noxon、Sarah Gertrude Shapiro《真實之虛UnREAL》(Lifetime)

Jay Roach.pngNoah Hawley.pngSusanne Bier.pngRyan Murphy.pngAnthony Hemingway.pngJohn Singleton.png
最佳有限劇集、電視電影或戲劇特輯導演獎Outstanding Directing For A Limited Series, Movie Or Dramatic Special
Jay Roach《總統之路All the Way》(HBO)
Noah Hawley《冰血暴Fargo》(FX)
Susanne Bier《夜班經理The Night Manager》(AMC)
Ryan Murphy《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
Anthony Hemingway《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
John Singleton《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)

Bob DeLaurentis.pngNoah Hawley.pngDavid Farr.pngScott Alexander %26; Larry Karaszewski.pngD.V. DeVincentis.pngJoe Robert Cole.png
最佳有限劇集、電視電影或戲劇特輯編劇獎Outstanding Writing For A Limited Series, Movie Or Dramatic Special
Bob DeLaurentis《冰血暴Fargo》(FX)
Noah Hawley《冰血暴Fargo》(FX)
David Farr《夜班經理The Night Manager》(AMC)
Scott Alexander、Larry Karaszewski《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
D.V. DeVincentis《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
Joe Robert Cole《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)

創意藝術艾美獎Creative Art Emmy Awards

Archer.pngBob%5Cs Burgers.pngPhineas and Ferb.pngSimpsons, The.pngSouth Park.png
最佳動畫獎Outstanding Animated Program
《風流007 Archer》(FX)
《開心漢堡店Bob's Burgers》(FOX)
《飛哥與小佛:暑假的最後一天Phineas and Ferb Last Day of Summer》(Disney XD)
《辛普森家庭The Simpsons》(FOX)
《南方四賤客South Park》(Comedy Central)

Adventure Time.pngPowerpuff Girls, The.pngRobot Chicken.pngSpongeBob SquarePants.pngSteven Universe.png
最佳短篇動畫獎Outstanding Short Form Animated Program
《探險活寶Adventure Time》(Cartoon Network)
《飛天小女警The Powerpuff Girls》(Cartoon Network)
《機器雞Robot Chicken》(Adult Swim)
《海綿寶寶SpongeBob SquarePants》(Nickelodeon)
《神臍小捲毛Steven Universe》(Cartoon Network)

Adele Live in New York City.pngAmy Schumer Live at the Apollo.pngKennedy Center Honors, The.pngLate Late Show with James Corden, The.pngLemonade.png
最佳綜藝特輯獎Outstanding Variety Special
《艾黛兒紐約現場演唱會Adele Live in New York City》(NBC)
《艾米·舒默:阿波羅劇場秀Amy Schumer: Live at the Apollo》(HBO)
《甘迺迪中心榮譽獎The Kennedy Center Honors》(CBS)
《深夜秀之拼車卡拉OK黃金時段特輯The Late Late Show Carpool Karaoke Prime Time Special》(CBS)

73rd Annual Golden Globe Awards, The.pngGrease Live.pngOscars, The.pngSuper Bowl 50 Halftime Show.pngTony Awards.png
最佳特別節目獎Outstanding Special Class Program
《第73屆金球獎The 73rd Annual Golden Globe Awards》(NBC)
《火爆浪子:Live!Grease: Live!》(FOX)
《奧斯卡頒獎典禮The Oscars》(ABC)
《超級盃50中場休息節目Super Bowl 50 Halftime Show》(CBS)
《第69屆東尼獎69th Annual Tony Awards》(CBS)

Childrens Hospital.pngFear The Walking Dead Flight 462.pngHack Into Broad City.pngHer Story.pngUnREAL.png
最佳短篇喜劇或劇情類影集獎Outstanding Short Form Comedy Or Drama Series
《兒童醫院Childrens Hospital》(Adult Swim)
《驚嚇陰屍路:462航班Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462》(AMC)
《駭入大城小妞Hack Into Broad City》(Comedy Central)
《她的故事Her Story》(YouTube)
《真實之虛試鏡UnREAL The Auditions》(Lifetime)

Epic Rap Battles of History.png(title).png(title).png(title).png(title).png
最佳短篇綜藝系列獎Outstanding Short Form Variety Series
《經典饒舌爭霸戰Epic Rap Battles of History》(YouTube)
《冰與火之歌:權力同述Gay of Thrones》(
《誠實預告Honest Trailers》(YouTube)
《與詹姆斯·法蘭科惡搞Making A Scene with James Franco》(AOL)
《與史蒂夫·布希密閒聊Park Bench with Steve Buscemi》(AOL)

People v. O.J. Simpsons, The - American Crime Story.png
最佳短篇非虛構或實境系列獎Outstanding Short Form Nonfiction Or Reality Series
《幕後祕辛:美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決Inside Look: The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
《傑·雷諾的車庫Jay Leno's Garage》(
《美國國家藝術基金會:美國藝術National Endowment For The Arts: United States Of Arts》(
《尋根:新視野Roots: A New Vision》(History)
《在太空的一年A Year in Space》(

It%5Cs Your 50th Christmas, Charlie Brown!.png
最佳兒童節目獎Outstanding Children's Program
《狗狗部落客Dog with a Blog》(Disney Channel)
《蕾蕾看世界Girl Meets World》(Disney Channel)
《查理·布朗的第50個聖誕節!It's Your 50th Christmas, Charlie Brown!》(ABC)
《Nick News with Linda Ellerbee: Hello, I Must be Going! 25 Years of Nick News with Linda Ellerbee》(Nickelodeon)
《搖滾校園School of Rock》(Nickelodeon)

What Happend, Miss Simone.png
最佳紀錄片或非虛構特輯獎Outstanding Documentary Or Nonfiction Special
《麥克·尼可斯養成計Becoming Mike Nichols》(HBO)
《Everything Is Copy - Nora Ephron: Scripted & Unscripted》(HBO)
《馬龍·白蘭度私密告白Listen to Me Marlon》(Showtime)
《梅普爾索普:相片集Mapplethorpe: Look At The Pictures》(HBO)
《妮娜·西蒙:女伶的靈魂What Happened, Miss Simone?》(Netflix)

Making a Murderer.png
最佳紀錄片或非虛構系列獎Outstanding Documentary Or Nonfiction Series
《美國大師American Masters》(PBS)
《主廚的餐桌Chef's Table》(Netflix)
《謀殺犯的形成Making a Murderer》(Netflix)
《70年代The Seventies》(CNN)
《格洛麗亞·斯泰納姆的女權意識Woman with Gloria Steinem》(viceland)

Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown.png
最佳資訊類系列或特輯獎Outstanding Informational Series Or Special
《波登過境Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown》(CNN)
《在演員工作室裡Inside the Actors Studio》(Bravo)
《名人談星Star Talk With Neil deGrasse Tyson》(National Geographic Channel)
《摩根·費里曼之神的萬物論The Story Of God With Morgan Freeman》(National Geographic Channel)

Cartel Land.pngJim:The James Foley Story.png
表現優異紀錄片獎Exceptional Merit In Documentary Filmmaking
《黑豹:革命的先鋒The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution》(PBS)
《無主之地Cartel Land》(A&E)
《狩獵場The Hunting Ground》(CNN)
《詹姆斯·佛利的故事Jim: The James Foley Story》(HBO)
《競速滅絕Racing Extinction》(Discovery Channel)
《凜冬烈火:烏克蘭為自由而戰Winter On Fire: Ukraine's Fight For Freedom》(Netflix)

Shark Tank.png
最佳結構性實境節目獎Outstanding Structured Reality Program
《古董路演Antiques Roadshow》(PBS)
《樂享美妙旅程Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives》(Food Network)
《名人對嘴生死鬥Lip Sync Battle》(Spike TV)
《流言終結者MythBusters》(Discovery Channel)
《創業鯊魚幫Shark Tank》(ABC)
《臥底大老闆Undercover Boss》(CBS)

Born This Way.png
最佳非結構性實境節目獎Outstanding Unstructured Reality Program
《天生完美Born This Way》(A&E)
《漁人的搏鬥Deadliest Catch》(Discovery Channel)
《同志假期Gaycation With Ellen Page》(viceland)
《小導養成計畫Project Greenlight》(HBO)
《美國聯合色United Shades Of America》(CNN)

Peter Scolari.png
最佳喜劇類影集客串男演員獎Outstanding Guest Actor In A Comedy Series
Bob Newhart《宅男行不行The Big Bang Theory》(CBS)
Peter Scolari《女孩我最大Girls》(HBO)
Tracy Morgan《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
Larry David《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
Bradley Whitford《透明家庭Transparent》(Amazon)
Martin Mull《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)
Peter MacNicol《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)

Tina Fey %26; Amy Poehler.png
最佳喜劇類影集客串女演員獎Outstanding Guest Actress In A Comedy Series
Laurie Metcalf《宅男行不行The Big Bang Theory》(CBS)
Christine Baranski《宅男行不行The Big Bang Theory》(CBS)
Tina Fey & Amy Poehler《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
Melissa McCarthy《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
Amy Schumer《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
Melora Hardin《透明家庭Transparent》(Amazon)

Hank Azaria.png
最佳劇情類影集客串男演員獎Outstanding Guest Actor In A Drama Series
Max von Sydow《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
Michael J. Fox《傲骨賢妻The Good Wife》(CBS)
Reg E. Cathey《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
Mahershala Ali《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
Paul Sparks《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
Hank Azaria《黑手遮天Ray Donovan》(Showtime)

Margo Martindale.png
最佳劇情類影集客串女演員獎Outstanding Guest Actress In A Drama Series
Margo Martindale《冷戰諜夢The Americans》(FX)
Carrie Preston《傲骨賢妻The Good Wife》(CBS)
Laurie Metcalf《百年酒館Horace and Pete》(
Ellen Burstyn《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
Molly Parker《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
Allison Janney《性愛大師Masters Of Sex》(Showtime)

Seth MacFarlane.pngTrey Parker.pngMatt Stone.pngKeegan-Michael Key.pngChris Pine.png
最佳角色配音獎Outstanding Character Voice-Over Performance
Seth MacFarlane《蓋酷家庭Family Guy》(FOX)
Trey Parker《南方四賤客South Park》(Comedy Central)
Matt Stone《南方四賤客South Park》(Comedy Central)
Keegan-Michael Key《超能豪宅SuperMansion》(Crackle)
Chris Pine《超能豪宅SuperMansion》(Crackle)

Rob Corddry.png
最佳短篇喜劇或劇情類影集男演員獎Outstanding Actor In A Short Form Comedy Or Drama Series
Rob Corddry《兒童醫院Childrens Hospital》(Adult Swim)
Rob Huebel《兒童醫院Childrens Hospital》(Adult Swim)
Lou Diamond Phillips《歷史十字路The Crossroads of History》(History)
Oscar Nuñez《歷史十字路The Crossroads of History》(History)
Jack McBrayer《美麗的臉去屎Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell》(Adult Swim)

Patrika Darbo.png
最佳短篇喜劇或劇情類影集女演員獎Outstanding Actress In A Short Form Comedy Or Drama Series
Patrika Darbo《演出死屍Acting Dead》(
Erinn Hayes《兒童醫院Childrens Hospital》(Adult Swim)
Janet Varney《唯我未瘋狂Everyone's Crazy But Us》(
Michelle Ang《驚嚇陰屍路:462航班Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462》(AMC)
Tracie Thoms《送我Send Me: an original web series》(BET)

Keith David.png
最佳旁白獎Outstanding Narrator
Adrien Brody《突破世紀Breakthrough》(National Geographic Channel)
Keith David《傑基·羅賓森Jackie Robinson》(PBS)
Anthony Mendez《貞愛好孕到Jane the Virgin》(The CW)
David Attenborough《動物一生的故事Life Story》(Discovery Channel)
Laurence Fishburne《尋根Roots》(History)

RuPaul Charles.png
最佳實境或實境競賽節目主持人獎Outstanding Host For A Reality Or Reality-Competition Program
Ryan Seacrest《美國偶像American Idol》(FOX)
Tom Bergeron《與星共舞Dancing with the Stars》(ABC)
Jane Lynch《好萊塢遊戲夜Hollywood Game Night》(NBC)
Steve Harvey《小小達人秀Little Big Shots》(NBC)
Heidi Klu、Tim Gunn《決戰時裝伸展台Project Runway》(Lifetime)
RuPaul Charles《魯保羅變裝皇后秀RuPaul's Drag Race》(LOGO)

Adele Live in New York City.pngAmy Schumer Live at the Apollo.pngGrease Live.pngKennedy Center Honors, The.pngLemonade.png
最佳綜藝特輯導演獎Outstanding Directing For A Variety Special
Beth McCarthy-Miller《艾黛兒紐約現場演唱會Adele Live in New York City》(NBC)
Chris Rock《艾米·舒默:阿波羅劇場秀Amy Schumer: Live at the Apollo》(HBO)
Louis J. Horvitz《第58屆葛萊美獎58th Grammy Awards》(CBS)
Thomas Kail、Alex Rudzinski《火爆浪子:Live!Grease: Live!》(FOX)
Glenn Weiss《甘迺迪中心榮譽獎The Kennedy Center Honors》(CBS)
Kahlil Joseph、Beyoncé Knowles Carter《檸檬水Lemonade》(HBO)

Making a Murderer.png
最佳非虛構節目導演獎Outstanding Directing For A Nonfiction Program
Matthew Heineman《無主之地Cartel Land》(A&E)
David Gelb《主廚的餐桌Chef's Table》(Netflix)
Davis Guggenheim《馬拉拉:改變世界的力量He Named Me Malala》(National Geographic Channel)
Laura Ricciardi、Moira Demos《謀殺犯的形成Making a Murderer》(Netflix)
Liz Garbus《妮娜·西蒙:女伶的靈魂What Happened, Miss Simone?》(Netflix)

Ryan McFaul.pngLast Week Tonight With John Oliver.pngTim Mancinelli.pngDon Roy King.pngDave Diomedi.png
最佳綜藝系列導演獎Outstanding Directing For A Variety Series
Ryan McFaul《艾米·舒默的內心世界Inside Amy Schumer》(Comedy Central)
Paul Pennolino《約翰·奧利佛之昔日新聞報報Last Week Tonight with John Oliver》(HBO)
Tim Mancinelli《詹姆斯·柯登深夜秀The Late Late Show with James Corden》(CBS)
Don Roy King《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
Dave Diomedi《吉米A咖秀The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon》(NBC)

Inside Amy Schumer.pngKey %26; Peele.pngLast Week Tonight With John Oliver.pngPortlandia.pngSaturday Night Live.png
最佳綜藝系列編劇獎Outstanding Writing For A Variety Series
《薩曼莎·比之全面開戰Full Frontal With Samantha Bee》(TBS)
《艾米·舒默的內心世界Inside Amy Schumer》(Comedy Central)
《阿奇與阿皮Key & Peele》(Comedy Central)
《約翰·奧利佛之昔日新聞報報Last Week Tonight with John Oliver》(HBO)
《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)

Patton Oswalt.png
最佳綜藝特輯編劇獎Outstanding Writing For A Variety Special
Amy Schumer《艾米·舒默:阿波羅劇場秀Amy Schumer: Live at the Apollo》(HBO)
John Mulaney《慕蘭尼:逆轉勝小子John Mulaney: The Comeback Kid》(Netflix)
Patton Oswalt《巴頓·奧斯華:給您笑笑Patton Oswalt: Talking For Clapping》(Netflix)
Tig Notaro《提格·諾塔洛:男孩系女孩向前走Tig Notaro: Boyish Girl Interrupted》(HBO)
《凱旋競選特輯2016 Triumph's Election Special 2016》(Hulu)

Making a Murderer.png
最佳非虛構節目編劇獎Outstanding Writing For A Nonfiction Program
Anthony Bourdain《波登過境Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown》(CNN)
Jacob Bernstein《Everything Is Copy - Nora Ephron: Scripted & Unscripted》(HBO)
David McMahon、Sarah Burns《傑基·羅賓森Jackie Robinson》(PBS)
Laura Ricciardi、Moira Demos《謀殺犯的形成Making a Murderer》(Netflix)
Mark Zwonitzer、Sarah Colt、Tom Jennings《華特·迪士尼(美國印象)Walt Disney (American Experience)》(PBS)

Game of Thrones.png
最佳當代敘事或奇幻節目製作設計獎(一小時或以上)Outstanding Production Design For A Narrative Contemporary Or Fantasy Program (One Hour Or More)
《美國恐怖故事:旅館American Horror Story: Hotel》(FX)
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
《高堡奇人The Man in the High Castle》(Amazon)
《英國恐怖故事Penny Dreadful》(Showtime)

Downton Abbey.png
最佳時代敘事節目製作設計獎(一小時或以上)Outstanding Production Design For A Narrative Period Program (One Hour Or More)
《唐頓莊園Downton Abbey》(PBS)
《紐約醫情The Knick》(Cinemax)
《性愛大師Masters Of Sex》(Showtime)

Big Bang Theory, The.pngMuppets, The.pngSilicon Valley.pngTransparent.pngVeep.png
最佳敘事節目製作設計獎(半小時或以下)Outstanding Production Design For A Narrative Program (Half-Hour Or Less)
《宅男行不行The Big Bang Theory》(CBS)
《布偶總動員The Muppets》(ABC)
《矽谷群瞎傳Silicon Valley》(HBO)

Drunk History.pngKey %26; Peele.pngPortlandia.pngSaturday Night Live.pngVoice, The.png
最佳綜藝、非虛構、實境或實境競賽系列製作設計獎Outstanding Production Design For A Variety, Nonfiction, Reality Or Reality-Competition Series
《醉酒史Drunk History》(Comedy Central)
《阿奇與阿皮Key & Peele》(Comedy Central)
《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
《美國好聲音The Voice》(NBC)

Grease Live.pngHe Named Me Malala.pngLemonade.pngOscars, The.pngWiz Live!, The.png
最佳綜藝、非虛構、活動或頒獎特輯製作設計獎Outstanding Production Design For A Variety, Nonfiction, Event Or Award Special
《火爆浪子:Live!Grease: Live!》(FOX)
《馬拉拉:改變世界的力量He Named Me Malala》(National Geographic Channel)
《奧斯卡頒獎典禮The Oscars》(ABC)
《奧茲帝國Live!The Wiz Live!》(NBC)

Modern Family.pngSilicon Valley.pngTransparent.pngUnbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.pngVeep.png
最佳喜劇類影集選角獎Outstanding Casting For A Comedy Series
《摩登家庭Modern Family》(ABC)
《矽谷群瞎傳Silicon Valley》(HBO)
《打不倒的金咪Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt》(Netflix)

Downton Abbey.pngGame of Thrones.pngHouse of Cards.pngMr. Robot.pngOrange is the New Black.png
最佳劇情類影集選角獎Outstanding Casting For A Drama Series
《唐頓莊園Downton Abbey》(PBS)
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
《駭客軍團Mr. Robot》(USA)
《勁爆女子監獄Orange Is The New Black》(Netflix)

Fargo.pngGrease Live.pngNight Manager, The.pngPeople v. O.J. Simpsons, The - American Crime Story.pngRoots.png
最佳有限劇集、電視電影或特輯選角獎Outstanding Casting For A Limited Series, Movie Or Special
《火爆浪子:Live!Grease: Live!》(FOX)
《夜班經理The Night Manager》(AMC)
《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)

America%5Cs Best Dance Crew.pngCrazy Ex-Girlfriend.pngDancing with the Stars.pngSo You Think You Can Dance.pngSo You Think You Can Dance.png
最佳編舞獎Outstanding Choreography
《美國最佳舞群America's Best Dance Crew》(MTV)
《瘋狂前女友Crazy Ex-Girlfriend》(The CW)
《與星共舞Dancing with the Stars》(ABC)
《舞林爭霸So You Think You Can Dance》(FOX)
《舞林爭霸So You Think You Can Dance》(FOX)

Big Bang Theory, The.pngMom.pngNicky Ricky Dicky and Dawn.pngSoul Man, The.png
最佳多鏡頭模式影集攝影獎Outstanding Cinematography For A Multi-Camera Series
《宅男行不行The Big Bang Theory》(CBS)
《快樂四胞胎Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn》(Nickelodeon)
《靈魂男子The Soul Man》(TV Land)

Bates Motel.pngDownton Abbey.pngGame of Thrones.pngGotham.pngHomeland.pngHouse of Cards.pngMan in the High Castle, The.png
最佳單鏡頭模式影集攝影獎Outstanding Cinematography For A Single-Camera Series
《貝茨旅館Bates Motel》(A&E)
《唐頓莊園Downton Abbey》(PBS)
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
《高堡奇人The Man in the High Castle》(Amazon)

Fargo.pngLuther.pngPeople v. O.J. Simpsons, The - American Crime Story.pngSherlock.png
最佳有限劇集或電視電影攝影獎Outstanding Cinematography For A Limited Series Or Movie
《路德探長Luther》(BBC America)
《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
《新世紀福爾摩斯:地獄新娘Sherlock: The Abominable Bride》(PBS)

Cartel Land.png
最佳非虛構節目攝影獎Outstanding Cinematography For A Nonfiction Program
《波登過境Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown》(CNN)
《無主之地Cartel Land》(A&E)
《馬拉拉:改變世界的力量He Named Me Malala》(National Geographic Channel)
《梅普爾索普:相片集Mapplethorpe: Look At The Pictures》(HBO)
《妮娜·西蒙:女伶的靈魂What Happened, Miss Simone?》(Netflix)

Amazing Race, The.pngDeadliest Catch.pngIntervention.pngLife Below Zero.pngProject Runway.pngSurvivor.png
最佳實境節目攝影獎Outstanding Cinematography For A Reality Program
《驚險大挑戰The Amazing Race》(CBS)
《漁人的搏鬥Deadliest Catch》(Discovery Channel)
《零下極限生活Life Below Zero》(National Geographic Channel)
《決戰時裝伸展台Project Runway》(Lifetime)

Downton Abbey.pngGame of Thrones.pngOutlander.pngPeople v. O.J. Simpsons, The - American Crime Story.pngRoots.png
最佳時代/奇幻影集、有限劇集或電視電影服裝獎Outstanding Costumes For A Period/Fantasy Series, Limited Series Or Movie
《唐頓莊園Downton Abbey》(PBS)
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)

American Horror Story Hotel.pngEmpire.pngGood Wife, The.pngGrace and Frankie.pngTransparent.png
最佳當代影集、有限劇集或電視電影服裝獎Outstanding Costumes For A Contemporary Series, Limited Series Or Movie
《美國恐怖故事:旅館American Horror Story: Hotel》(FX)
《傲骨賢妻The Good Wife》(CBS)
《同妻俱樂Grace and Frankie》(Netflix)

Wiz Live!, The.png
最佳綜藝、非虛構或實境節目服裝獎Outstanding Costumes For A Variety, Nonfiction Or Reality Program
《與星共舞Dancing with the Stars》(ABC)
《火爆浪子:Live!Grease: Live!》(FOX)
《魯保羅變裝皇后秀RuPaul's Drag Race》(LOGO)
《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
《奧茲帝國Live!The Wiz Live!》(NBC)

Better Call Saul.pngBetter Call Saul.pngGame of Thrones.pngGame of Thrones.pngNarcos.png
最佳戲劇類影集單鏡頭模式剪輯獎Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For A Drama Series
Kelley Dixon、Chris McCaleb《絕命律師Better Call Saul》(AMC)
Kelley Dixon《絕命律師Better Call Saul》(AMC)
Tim Porter《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
Katie Weiland《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
Leo Trombetta《毒梟Narcos》(Netflix)

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.pngSilicon Valley.pngSilicon Valley.pngVeep.pngVeep.png
最佳喜劇類影集單鏡頭模式剪輯獎Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For A Comedy Series
Kabir Akhtar《瘋狂前女友Crazy Ex-Girlfriend》(The CW)
Tim Roche《矽谷群瞎傳Silicon Valley》(HBO)
Brian Merken《矽谷群瞎傳Silicon Valley》(HBO)
Steven Rasch《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)
Shawn Paper《副人之仁Veep》(HBO)

2 Broke Girls.pngBig Bang Theory, The.pngHorace and Pete.pngLast Man Standing.pngMike %26; Molly.pngMom.png
最佳喜劇類影集多鏡頭模式剪輯獎Outstanding Multi-Camera Picture Editing For A Comedy Series
Darryl Bates《破產姊妹花2 Broke Girls》(CBS)
Peter Chakos《宅男行不行The Big Bang Theory》(CBS)
Gina Sansom《百年酒館Horace and Pete》(
Kris Trexler《硬漢老爸Last Man Standing》(ABC)
Stephen Prime《重量級的愛情Mike & Molly》(CBS)
Ben Bosse《極品老媽Mom》(CBS)

Fargo.pngFargo.pngPeople v. O.J. Simpsons, The - American Crime Story.pngPeople v. O.J. Simpsons, The - American Crime Story.pngPeople v. O.J. Simpsons, The - American Crime Story.png
最佳有限劇集或電視電影單鏡頭模式剪輯獎Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For A Limited Series Or Movie
Curtis Thurber、Skip Macdonald《冰血暴Fargo》(FX)
Skip Macdonald《冰血暴Fargo》(FX)
Adam Penn《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
C. Chi-Yoon Chung《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
Stewart Schill《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver.png
最佳綜藝節目剪輯獎Outstanding Picture Editing For Variety Programming
Robert James Ashe、Christopher Heller、David Grecu、Meaghan Wilbur《柯南在韓國CONAN In Korea》(TBS)
Jody McVeigh-Schultz《醉酒史Drunk History》(Comedy Central)
Rich LaBrie、Neil Mahoney、Nicholas Monsour、Stephen Waichulis《阿奇與阿皮Key & Peele》(Comedy Central)
Anthony Miale《約翰·奧利佛之昔日新聞報報Last Week Tonight with John Oliver》(HBO)
Bill Yukich《檸檬水Lemonade》(HBO)

Making a Murderer.png
最佳非虛構節目剪輯獎Outstanding Picture Editing For A Nonfiction Program
《無主之地Cartel Land》(A&E)
《馬拉拉:改變世界的力量He Named Me Malala》(National Geographic Channel)
《謀殺犯的形成Making a Murderer》(Netflix)
《妮娜·西蒙:女伶的靈魂What Happened, Miss Simone?》(Netflix)

Amazing Race, The.pngShark Tank.pngSurvivor.pngVoice, The.pngWho Do You Think You Are?.png
最佳結構化或競賽實境節目剪輯獎Outstanding Picture Editing For A Structured Or Competition Reality Program
《驚險大挑戰The Amazing Race》(CBS)
《創業鯊魚幫Shark Tank》(ABC)
《美國好聲音The Voice》(NBC)
《你以為你是誰Who Do You Think You Are?》(TLC)

Project Greenlight.png
最佳非結構化實境節目剪輯獎Outstanding Picture Editing For An Unstructured Reality Program
《天生完美Born This Way》(A&E)
《天生完美Born This Way》(A&E)
《漁人的搏鬥Deadliest Catch》(Discovery Channel)
《原始生活40天Naked And Afraid XL》(Discovery Channel)
《小導養成計畫Project Greenlight》(HBO)

Downton Abbey.png
最佳單鏡頭模式系列髮型設計獎Outstanding Hairstyling For A Single-Camera Series
《唐頓莊園Downton Abbey》(PBS)
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
《紐約醫情The Knick》(Cinemax)
《性愛大師Masters Of Sex》(Showtime)
《英國恐怖故事Penny Dreadful》(Showtime)

Dancing with the Stars.pngGrease Live.pngKey %26; Peele.pngSaturday Night Live.pngWiz Live!, The.png
最佳多鏡頭模式系列或特輯髮型設計獎Outstanding Hairstyling For A Multi-Camera Series Or Special
《與星共舞Dancing with the Stars》(ABC)
《火爆浪子:Live!Grease: Live!》(FOX)
《阿奇與阿皮Key & Peele》(Comedy Central)
《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
《奧茲帝國Live!The Wiz Live!》(NBC)

All the Way.pngAmerican Horror Story Hotel.pngFargo.pngPeople v. O.J. Simpsons, The - American Crime Story.pngRoots.png
最佳有限劇集或電視電影髮型設計獎Outstanding Hairstyling For A Limited Series Or Movie
《總統之路All the Way》(HBO)
《美國恐怖故事:旅館American Horror Story: Hotel》(FX)
《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)

Late Late Show with James Corden, The.png
最佳互動節目獎Outstanding Interactive Program
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲片頭360度體驗Game of Thrones Main Titles 360 Experience》(HBO)
《詹姆斯·柯登深夜秀The Late Late Show with James Corden》(CBS)
《周六夜現場互動體驗Saturday Night Live Interactive Experience》(NBC)
《閒話陰屍路互動體驗Talking Dead Interactive Experience》(AMC)

American Idol.pngDancing with the Stars.pngSaturday Night Live.pngSo You Think You Can Dance.pngVoice, The.png
最佳綜藝系列照明設計/照明執導獎Outstanding Lighting Design/Lighting Direction For A Variety Series
《美國偶像American Idol》(FOX)
《與星共舞Dancing with the Stars》(ABC)
《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
《舞林爭霸So You Think You Can Dance》(FOX)
《美國好聲音The Voice》(NBC)

Adele Live in New York City.pngGrease Live.pngOscars, The.pngWiz Live!, The.pngSuper Bowl 50 Halftime Show.png
最佳綜藝特輯照明設計/照明執導獎Outstanding Lighting Design/Lighting Direction For A Variety Special
《艾黛兒紐約現場演唱會Adele Live in New York City》(NBC)
《火爆浪子:Live!Grease: Live!》(FOX)
《奧斯卡頒獎典禮The Oscars》(ABC)
《超級盃50中場休息節目Super Bowl 50 Halftime Show》(CBS)
《奧茲帝國Live!The Wiz Live!》(NBC)

Man in the High Castle, The.pngJessica Jones.pngNarcos.pngNight Manager, The.pngVinyl.png
最佳主題設計獎Outstanding Main Title Design
《高堡奇人The Man in the High Castle》(Amazon)
《潔西卡·瓊斯Jessica Jones》(Netflix)
《夜班經理The Night Manager》(AMC)

Game of Thrones.pngKnick, The.pngPenny Dreaful.pngVikings.pngVinyl.png
最佳單鏡頭模式系列化妝獎(非義肢)Outstanding Makeup For A Single-Camera Series (Non-Prosthetic)
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
《紐約醫情The Knick》(Cinemax)
《英國恐怖故事Penny Dreadful》(Showtime)

Dancing with the Stars.pngGrease Live.pngKey %26; Peele.pngSaturday Night Live.pngWiz Live!, The.png
最佳多鏡頭模式系列化妝獎(非義肢)Outstanding Makeup For A Multi-Camera Series Or Special (Non-Prosthetic)
《與星共舞Dancing with the Stars》(ABC)
《火爆浪子:Live!Grease: Live!》(FOX)
《阿奇與阿皮Key & Peele》(Comedy Central)
《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
《奧茲帝國Live!The Wiz Live!》(NBC)

All the Way.pngAmerican Horror Story Hotel.pngFargo.pngPeople v. O.J. Simpsons, The - American Crime Story.pngRoots.png
最佳有限劇集或電視電影化妝獎(非義肢)Outstanding Makeup For A Limited Series Or Movie (Non-Prosthetic)
《總統之路All the Way》(HBO)
《美國恐怖故事:旅館American Horror Story: Hotel》(FX)
《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)

All the Way.pngAmerican Horror Story Hotel.pngGame of Thrones.pngPenny Dreaful.pngWalking Dead, The.png
最佳系列、有限劇集、電視電影或特輯義肢化妝獎Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup For A Series, Limited Series, Movie Or Special
《總統之路All the Way》(HBO)
《美國恐怖故事:旅館American Horror Story: Hotel》(FX)
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
《英國恐怖故事Penny Dreadful》(Showtime)
《陰屍路The Walking Dead》(AMC)

Mr. Robot.png
最佳系列音樂創作獎(原創戲劇配樂)Outstanding Music Composition For A Series (Original Dramatic Score)
《貝茨旅館Bates Motel》(A&E)
《主廚的餐桌Chef's Table》(Netflix)
《關鍵報告Minority Report》(FOX)
《駭客軍團Mr. Robot》(USA)
《英國恐怖故事Penny Dreadful》(Showtime)

Night Manager, The.png
最佳有限劇集、電視電影或特輯音樂創作獎(原創戲劇配樂)Outstanding Music Composition For A Limited Series, Movie Or Special (Original Dramatic Score)
《總統之路All the Way》(HBO)
《星光繼承者Descendants》(Disney Channel)
《傑西·史東:天堂迷失Jesse Stone: Lost In Paradise》(Hallmart Channel)
《夜班經理The Night Manager》(AMC)
《戰爭與和平War & Peace》(Lifetime)

Danny Elfman%5Cs Music from the Films of Tim Burton.png
最佳音樂指導獎Outstanding Music Direction
《Danny Elfman's Music From The Films Of Tim Burton (Live From Lincoln Center)》(PBS)
《白宮爵士夜Jazz At The White House》(ABC)
《Sinatra: Voice For A Century (Live From Lincoln Center)》(PBS)
《Smithsonian Salutes Ray Charles: In Performance At The White House》(PBS)
《比爾·默瑞的歡樂聖誕A Very Murray Christmas》(Netflix)

最佳原創音樂與歌詞獎Outstanding Original Music And Lyrics
《瘋狂前女友Crazy Ex-Girlfriend》(The CW)
《葛芬柯與奧茲:變得特別Garfunkel and Oates: Trying to be Special》(Vimeo)
《狩獵場The Hunting Ground》(CNN)

Jessica Jones.png
最佳原創主題曲獎Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music
《瘋狂前女友Crazy Ex-Girlfriend》(The CW)
《潔西卡·瓊斯Jessica Jones》(Netflix)
《夜班經理The Night Manager》(AMC)
《天機密語The Whispers》(ABC)

Black Sail.pngDaredevil.pngGame of Thrones.pngGotham.pngVikings.png
最佳影集音效剪輯獎Outstanding Sound Editing For A Series
《黑帆Black Sails》(Starz)
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)

American Horror Story Hotel.pngFargo.pngNight Manager, The.pngRoots.pngSherlock.png
最佳有限劇集、電視電影或特輯音效剪輯獎Outstanding Sound Editing For A Limited Series, Movie Or Special
《美國恐怖故事:旅館American Horror Story: Hotel》(FX)
《夜班經理The Night Manager》(AMC)
《新世紀福爾摩斯:地獄新娘Sherlock: The Abominable Bride》(PBS)

Cartel Land.png
最佳非虛構節目音效剪輯獎(單鏡或多鏡頭模式)Outstanding Sound Editing For A Nonfiction Program (Single Or Multi-Camera)
《波登過境Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown》(CNN)
《無主之地Cartel Land》(A&E)
《馬拉拉:改變世界的力量He Named Me Malala》(National Geographic Channel)
《謀殺犯的形成Making a Murderer》(Netflix)
《妮娜·西蒙:女伶的靈魂What Happened, Miss Simone?》(Netflix)

Better Call Saul.pngDownton Abbey.pngGame of Thrones.pngHouse of Cards.pngMr. Robot.pngRay Donovan.png
最佳喜劇或劇情類影集音效混合獎(一小時)Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Comedy Or Drama Series (One Hour)
《絕命律師Better Call Saul》(AMC)
《唐頓莊園Downton Abbey》(PBS)
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
《紙牌屋House of Cards》(Netflix)
《駭客軍團Mr. Robot》(USA)
《黑手遮天Ray Donovan》(Showtime)

Fargo.pngNight Manager, The.pngPeople v. O.J. Simpsons, The - American Crime Story.pngSherlock.pngTrue Detective.png
最佳有限劇集或電視電影音效混合獎Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Limited Series Or Movie
《夜班經理The Night Manager》(AMC)
《美國犯罪故事:公眾與O·J·辛普森的對決The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story》(FX)
《新世紀福爾摩斯:地獄新娘Sherlock: The Abominable Bride》(PBS)
《無間警探True Detective》(HBO)

Modern Family.pngMozart in the Jungle.pngSilicon Valley.pngSimpsons, The.pngVeep.png
最佳喜劇、劇情類影集或動畫音效混合獎(半小時)Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Comedy Or Drama Series (Half-Hour) And Animation
《摩登家庭Modern Family》(ABC)
《叢林裡的莫札特Mozart in the Jungle》(Amazon)
《矽谷群瞎傳Silicon Valley》(HBO)
《辛普森家庭The Simpsons》(FOX)

Danny Elfman%5Cs Music from the Films of Tim Burton.pngGrease Live.pngLast Week Tonight With John Oliver.pngOscars, The.pngVoice, The.png
最佳綜藝系列或特輯音效混合獎Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Variety Series Or Special
《Danny Elfman's Music from the Films of Tim Burton》(PBS)
《火爆浪子:Live!Grease: Live!》(FOX)
《約翰·奧利佛之昔日新聞報報Last Week Tonight with John Oliver》(HBO)
《奧斯卡頒獎典禮The Oscars》(ABC)
《美國好聲音The Voice》(NBC)

最佳非虛構節目音效混合獎(單鏡或多鏡)Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Nonfiction Program (Single or Multi-Camera)
《波登過境Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown》(CNN)
《漁人的搏鬥Deadliest Catch》(Discovery Channel)
《謀殺犯的形成Making a Murderer》(Netflix)
《妮娜·西蒙:女伶的靈魂What Happened, Miss Simone?》(Netflix)

Game of Thrones.png
最佳視覺特效獎Outstanding Special Visual Effects
《黑帆Black Sails》(Starz)
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
《高堡奇人The Man in the High Castle》(Amazon)
《英國恐怖故事Penny Dreadful》(Showtime)

最佳配角視覺特效獎Outstanding Special Visual Effects In A Supporting Role
《絕命律師Better Call Saul》(AMC)
《新世紀福爾摩斯:地獄新娘Sherlock: The Abominable Bride》(PBS)
《陰屍路The Walking Dead》(AMC)

最佳喜劇類影集或綜藝節目特效獎Outstanding Stunt Coordination For A Comedy Series Or Variety Program
《爆笑女警Angie Tribeca》(TBS)
《荒唐分局Brooklyn Nine-Nine》(FOX)
《麻辣特工K.C. Undercover》(Disney Channel)
《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)

Game of Thrones.png
最佳劇情類影集、有限劇集或電視電影特效獎Outstanding Stunt Coordination For A Drama Series, Limited Series Or Movie
《諜海黑名單The Blacklist》(NBC)
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲Game of Thrones》(HBO)
《尖峰時刻Rush Hour》(CBS)

Big Bang Theory, The.pngDancing with the Stars.pngJimmy Kimmel Live!.pngLast Week Tonight With John Oliver.pngSaturday Night Live.pngVoice, The.png
最佳系列技術指導、攝影工作或視頻控制獎Outstanding Technical Direction, Camerawork, Video Control For A Series
《宅男行不行The Big Bang Theory》(CBS)
《與星共舞Dancing with the Stars》(ABC)
《吉米夜現場Jimmy Kimmel Live!》(ABC)
《約翰·奧利佛之昔日新聞報報Last Week Tonight with John Oliver》(HBO)
《周六夜現場Saturday Night Live》(NBC)
《美國好聲音The Voice》(NBC)

Adele Live in New York City.pngGrease Live.pngOscars, The.pngTony Awards.pngWiz Live!, The.png
最佳有限劇集、電視電影或特輯技術指導、攝影工作或視頻控制獎Outstanding Technical Direction, Camerawork, Video Control For A Limited Series, Movie Or Special
《艾黛兒紐約現場演唱會Adele Live in New York City》(NBC)
《火爆浪子:Live!Grease: Live!》(FOX)
《奧斯卡頒獎典禮The Oscars》(ABC)
《第69屆東尼獎69th Annual Tony Awards》(CBS)
《奧茲帝國Live!The Wiz Live!》(NBC)


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